Arriving at Platform ARRAKIS
The ARRAKIS platform is our 5th generation messaging system, bringing together all of the services we provide via a common, modern platform, sharing data throughout.
Together, with over a decade of historic service disruption and complete messaging statistics, the ARRAKIS ‘Big Data’ service continually receives real-time information from the existing network of Nexus Alpha data capture systems (including Tyrell IO and ARRAKIS Company Messages). In addition, data is also sourced from third-party systems (some of which ARRAKIS also supplies data to) including TfL Open Data, Network Rail Open Data, Network Rail IPTS and Darwin. A number of interfaces with third party industry service providers have also been developed, which support some of the services we have developed, including CIS, PIS, Capacity Checking, Delay Attribution and Crew and Stock data services.
ARRAKIS data services allows any combination of information and associated messages to downstream systems via a series of micro-services.

ARRAKIS Platform
There are a number of different top-level service elements that together form the ARRAKIS platform – but at the heart of ARRAKIS is data – both real-time and historic. This data come from other Nexus Alpha systems as well as industry, and third-party systems with micro-services allowing data to be imported, processed and exported, with different workflows controlling trigger events and content.
Access to ARRAKIS (both to view information and to add content) using a web browser is via the ARRAKIS Portal, whereas Access to ARRAKIS (again both to view information and to add content) via a mobile device or tablet,
is via the ARRAKIS App.
With Tyrell IO installed in virtually all TOC and Network Rail Controls, ARRAKIS is able to capture a continual flow of real-time disruption information. And with a vast quantity of data from over a decade of disruption messaging along with operational messaging from across the UK rail sector (such as crowding, crew resource, train Unit, timetabling and movement data) we combine all this with other third-party sourced information, allowing us to build fully integrated services on top of rich content.
ARRAKIS MicroServices
We’ve already developed a number of MicroServices that interface with third party services.
As well as basic services which allow for data import and data export, more advanced contract services have been developed as well. For example, a service is provided to TfW which allows their web agency to obtain a list of service times for services running between two locations on a particular day of the week – this is derived from the next week of services). This was then integrated within our Crowding App.
Bespoke ARRAKIS MicroServices can be developed as required.
The ARRAKIS Portal is the web gateway to a range of different services provided as part of the ARRAKIS suite. Core services include Company Dashboard (a view of network wide disruption), Company Messages (allowing for the uploading of messages and attachments for display on the Company Dashboard and in the App), and Company Summary – which details the use of the Portal Services and ARRAKIS App within your business. Additional ARRAIS Portal services are constantly being developed by our teams.
The ARRAKIS App was the first service launched as part of the platform, with the core services showing cross-industry disruption, including multiple filterable message views; CLS2 statuses, where relevant; TfL rainbow boards and service disruption; CSL2 statuses and Darwin Live Staff Departure Boards.
Two paid service functions have also been developed including Crew Working – where notifications are automatically sent when services the individual is working that day are disrupted – and Delay Attribution, which allows for staff inputting live information as to the reasons for a services delay. Additional ARRAIS App services are constantly being developed by our teams.