Values & Beliefs Nexus Alpha
Find out more about our values, how we promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion as well as out commitment to our Corporate Social Responsibility views.

Our Values
We value self-awareness, integrity, honesty and openness at all times; this approach builds both business and personal success.
We value our employee’s health and wellbeing, and actively encourage several ‘ways of working’ that promote the importance of balance to ensure our employees stay physically and mentally healthy & happy.
We pride ourselves on exploring and pursuing new ideas using the latest software development tools and ways in which we work.
We value individuality, personality and the ability to be yourselves. Everybody is different. Diversity is to be celebrated.
We strive to help each other grow and learn; Adopting a non-blame culture to empower employees to lead and make decisions.
We treat each other with respect and listen to each other’s viewpoints – enabling us to make the best decisions as a collective.

“When I go home, or when I talk to people about what do I do at work, I’m proud, and my conscience is clear. I trust that through the work we do here, I am making a small difference to a better world.”
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Nexus Alpha celebrates diversity and the significance and impact of inclusion of our employees. We are all different, with individual talents and needs. We work hard to support and enable everyone to thrive and be the best version of themselves. We promote an environment that challenges unconscious bias and discrimination at every level of the organisation. We aim to attract and retain a diverse team of employees, and to give each individual a sense of purpose and belonging. You can find out more by downloading the Nexus Alpha Recipe Book using the link below.
Listening to what people of different age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality and religion have to say.
Learning by being open-minded; asking questions and taking responsibility to educate ourselves, as individuals and as a company.
Changing with a willingness to make change; finding practical ways to put changes into action and make it happen.

Corporate Social Responsibility
What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) outlines how a business/organisation intends to operate in order to enhance the society and environment it works within. The actions of the company are usually broken down into four areas; environmental responsibility; ethical responsibility; philanthropic responsibility and financial responsibility. These areas will have specific actions or processes which help achieve the overall CSR goals. The actions/processes will be part of company culture and policies.
To find out more about how we’re doing this, download our recipe book.

What About Net Zero?
Since its incorporation in the 1990s, Nexus Alpha and its sister company, Nexus Alpha Low Power Systems
(who produce inclusive, low power public information displays), have focused on providing systems and services that encourage and support the use of sustainable public transport.
As CO2 emissions continue to rise, bringing with them climate instability and rising temperatures, net zero remains a focus – though perhaps not as much as it really should be. The term ‘net zero’ means achieving a balance between the carbon emitted into the atmosphere and the carbon removed from it. This balance – or net zero – will happen when the amount of carbon we add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount removed.
Technology can help.
Nexus Alpha LPS’s CHRONOS displays show the same departure information that a traditional LED sign can display – or indeed the same service information that a LCD TFT TV-style can display – it’s just that they use a fraction of the power of the competing technologies. So little power in fact, that they can work from locally generated power derived from solar panels, with in-built batteries ensuring consistent operation, even when there is less power available (shorter days in the winter and at night-time). We believe that our signage can help councils and the UK rail industry move toward net-zero faster.