The Leadership Team

Patrick McDougall
Chief Executive Officer
As CEO and owner of the company, my role is quite diverse. With an initial background in computers and electronics (think 1980s!) and having been involved in IT ever since, I hopefully know enough to be helpful to most areas of the business. I also fulfil the role of CFO.
Companies are the people within them, and therefore it is everybody who works for us that creates what Nexus Alpha is - the output, the culture, etc. My job is to steer - but to steer by utilising the skills and commitment of everybody working with us. Aligning the needs of our clients and our employees is the key, ensuring we provide value to our clients and therefore remain a sustainable (a key word for us in all sense) business.
My Role at Nexus Alpha
I like challenging myself (as well as convention, sometimes, as some of you will know). Running is my sport and I run for the Belgrave Harriers when fit enough. Garmin claims I have a fitness age of 21 (lol!) and a VO2Max of 58 for those in the know (it's been properly measured as high as 67). So as well as being able to win the odd parkrun (though it's been a couple of years) I managed to run a 2:59:53 marathon in the 45+ age-range with a sub 3-hour time the goal… I still have a sub-17 minute 5k in my heart, but the question is whether it's still in my legs. That's now an age-graded score of nearly 90%.
Talking of grades, I achieved my grade 6 piano exam decades ago, meaning I can still play a little. It's something I really enjoy doing (generally rather than others listening). ‘Talk Show Host’ by Radiohead was the latest I put out there into the wilds of social media. Be afraid. Be very afraid."
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Music (as for many) has always been a big part of my life. Aged 16, I visited ZTT records, as a friend and I had compiled a list of all of the Frankie Goes to Hollywood/Art of Noise/Propaganda records and cassettes we'd bought (including ‘white labels’). It turned out to be a more robust list than the record company had. Exciting to have a tour of the studio though and I think it was my first trip to London. Times have changed!