Rail Advisory Team

Martin Jarrett
Rail Advisor
I work as part of the Rail Advisory Team maintaining the Geography Database. This is used by Train Operating Companies and Network Rail when sending Train and Route Messages on Tyrell IO. I am also involved in delivering training to Train Companies via Teams as well as face to face.
My Role at Nexus Alpha
I enjoy photography mainly of local wildlife as well as transport related subjects. I enjoy travelling (mainly by train) within the UK as well as Europe. I have arranged a number of short breaks to Germany visiting a wide range of locations. Narrow Gauge Steam Railways and Breweries are high on the agenda.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Many years ago I was the translator from English to German for 20 school children and four secondary school teachers on skiing trip to Austria. I felt important and proud. It was great fun.
My fun fact

Karen Dineen
Transport Advisor
My role involves supporting to maintaining Nexus Alpha’s own Geographical Database, so that train services display correctly for individual Train Operating Companies, within the Tyrell IO System. I also liaise between departments in Nexus Alpha such as Commercial, Test and IT Support as well as Train operating companies/Network Rail when training may need to be given, supporting the use of Nexus Alpha Systems.
My Role at Nexus Alpha
I like Social Events